• 【メディア掲載】東京エキマチvol59にTMIP事務局・大淵の取材記事が掲載されました

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  • TMIP Innovation Award ブランドムービー公開のお知らせ『ここから はじまる、つながる、動き出す』

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    大企業発の“新規事業創出”を表彰する制度「TMIP Innovation Award」。 大企業の新規事業創出支援や大企業とスタートアップ、産・官・学・街との連携で事業創出を目指す オープンイノベーションプラットフォームTMIP(Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform)は、 大企業がオープンに新規事業に挑戦する社会を目指し、2023年に本アワードを立ち上げました。 次なる本業足りうる市場性や革新性、社会インパクトのみならず事業創出マネジメントの仕組みや工夫も紹介し、 大企業においてチャレンジしている方へのヒントを提示したいと考えています。


    TMIP Innovation Award ブランドムービー
    ここから はじまる、つながる、動き出す

  • 【メディア掲載】日経ビジネス2月10日号(2/7発売)にTMIP Innovation Award 2024の受賞結果が掲載されました

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  • 【メディア掲載】2025.2.7 NewsPicks「精米所から気候テック拠点まで “35万人のビジネス街”の化学変化」でTMIPが紹介されました

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    「精米所から気候テック拠点まで “35万人のビジネス街”の化学変化」でTMIPが紹介されました。

    精米所から気候テック拠点まで “35万人のビジネス街”の化学変化

  • 【メディア掲載】都市の今を伝える雑誌「MEZZANINE」VOLUME 6 WINTER 2025にてTMIPシリコンバレーコミュニティを取材いただきました

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    2025年1月28日発売の都市の今を伝える雑誌「MEZZANINE」VOLUME 6 WINTER 2025にTMIPシリコンバレーコミュニティの取り組みを取材いただきました。



  • TMIP Innovation Award 2024 受賞事業インタビュー記事公開のお知らせ

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    2024.12.4に開催した、大企業発の“新規事業創出”を表彰する制度「TMIP Innovation Award 2024」の受賞事業インタビュー記事を公開しました。






    日本が誇る先端技術をいかした アパレル製品で、人々の生活を変える




    入賞:野村総合研究所『Talent Market Place』

  • Tokyo GreenTech Challenge Special Site Open

    TMIP, selected by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for its “Startup Support Program by Diverse Actors”, will launch a program to support startups in the fields of environment, energy, and climate change. To help startups realize their impact in solving social issues in the shortest possible distance, TMIP will provide strong support by utilizing the TMIP community of over 300 organizations, “gathering players such as large companies and local governments,” “identifying areas of collaboration,” and “providing demonstration costs (up to 5 million yen) and fields.


    Special Site
    Tokyo GreenTech Challenge(Japanese Only)

  • 【Media】TMIP Innovation Award was covered by Fuji Television Network’s “Live News Alpha” on December 4, 2024.

    TMIP Innovation Award 2024 held on December 4, 2024 was broadcast on Fuji Television Network, Inc.

    FNN Prime Online
    Mitsubishi Estate holds event to create new businesses, 5 major companies including NTT Docomo and Takenaka Corporation Participate
    Toward a society where people can take on new challenges. New Businesses Started by Large Corporations” (Japanese only)

  • 【Media】TMIP Secretariat Ofuchi appeared on the NewsPicks program

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  • TMIP Official Website Renewal

    Thank you for visiting the Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform website.
    We are pleased to announce the renewal of our website today, Friday, November 1.

    Since its launch in 2019, TMIP has grown to become one of the largest open innovation communities in Japan with over 300 organizations participating. We will continue to strive to provide the latest information in an easy-to-understand manner in order to promote open innovation and create examples of co-creation with players who are challenging to create new value.

  • TMIP’s official Facebook page is now open!

    We are pleased to announce the opening of the official Facebook account for TMIP (Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform).
    We will provide you with information on upcoming events and updates on the TMIP Web site.

  • TMIP Selected as a Key Focus Area Partner of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Startup Support and Development Project by Diverse Actors (TOKYO SUTEAM)”

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    Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platformは、株式会社野村総合研究所、グリーンタレントハブ株式会社、トークンエクスプレス株式会社と共同で東京都「多様な主体によるスタートアップ支援展開事業(TOKYO SUTEAM)」の協定事業者として採択されました。本事業で50者が採択されるうち、10者のみが選定される重点分野(環境・エネルギー・気候変動分野)の協定事業者として採択されています。TMIPは本プログラムを通して、東京都が掲げる「未来を切り拓く10×10×10のイノベーションビジョン」の実現に貢献してまいります。


    TMIP、東京都が運営する「多様な主体によるスタートアップ支援展開事業(TOKYO SUTEAM)」の重点分野協定事業者として採択

  • TMIP Innovation Award 2024 Special Site Open

    This year again, we will hold the TMIP Innovation Award, a program for recognizing outstanding examples of large companies that are working to create new value and businesses that transcend internal and external barriers. This award aims to create a society in which large companies openly take on the challenge of new business, and will provide hints to those who are taking on the challenges of large companies by introducing not only the marketability, innovativeness, and social impact of their next core business, but also their business creation management systems and innovations. We hope you will enter the competition and make use of this opportunity to promote innovation in your company.

    Special Site
    TMIP Innovation Award 2024

  • 【Media】Nikkei Business August 26th issue (on sale 8/23): 8-page special feature article

    A feature page was included in the August 26 issue of Nikkei Business, a weekly magazine published by Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. that covers topics in the fields of economics and management.

    Nikkei Business E-edition (reprint site)
    The Future of Innovation and Ecosystems in Large Corporations

  • 【Media】2024.7.11 TMIP Secretariat Azegami appeared on the “Decarbonization Career Channel” operated by the Green Talent Hub.

    Green Talent Hub, Inc. has posted a YouTube video on its “Decarbonizing Careers Channel” discussing the efforts of large companies and startups in the decarbonization space.

    Decarbon Career Channel
    Part 1: What is Open Innovation by Mitsubishi Estate and Nomura Research Institute?
    Part 2: Background and Expectations of Climate Tech Support from the Perspective of a Developer and a Management Consultant

  • 【Notice】Establishment of “TMIP Association”

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
    TMIP will become a “TMIP Association” on April 1, 2024, and will make a new start.

    We would like to take this incorporation as an opportunity to redouble our efforts.
    We look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement.

    Sincerely yours

    April 1, 2024
    TMIP Association
    Representative Director Eiko Shimada

  • 【Notice】Name Change of Startup Community “MiiTS”

    We would like to thank you for your continued patronage.
    We are pleased to announce that the name of our startup community “MiiTS” will be changed to “Startup Member” effective April 1, 2024.
    The details of the change are as follows.

    ≪Details of the change≫
    Change in membership name

    ■ New membership name
    Startup Member (former name: MiiTS)

    ■Date of change
    April 1, 2024

    ■Impact of membership name change
    There will be no change in the services and fees currently available.
    We appreciate your continued patronage and look forward to your continued support.

  • 【Media】2024.3.29 NewsPicks/TMIP was featured in the article “Tokyo Expansion.How to Generate ‘+1%’ Growth from Marunouchi?”

    Article from 2024.3.29 on NewsPicks, the largest economic news platform in Japan
    TMIP was featured in the article “Tokyo Expansion. How to Generate ‘+1%’ Growth from Marunouchi?”

    Tokyo Expansion. How to Generate “+1%” Growth from Marunouchi?

  • 【Media】2023.10.19 JBpress/TMIP was introduced in “The Opposite of Japan, ‘Common Sense’ to Create Innovation as Seen by a Silicon Valley Expatriate”.

    TMIP was featured in an article on October 19, 2023 by JBpress (Japan Business Press), a media outlet specializing in corporate reform.
    TMIP was introduced in an article titled “The Opposite of Japan: A Silicon Valley expatriate’s view of the ‘common sense’ that generates innovation”.

    The Opposite of Japan: A Silicon Valley expatriate’s view of the ‘common sense’ that generates innovation

  • 【Media】2023.1.26 NewsPicks/TMIP was featured in the article “[Spotlight] Tectonic Shift Happening in Marunouchi, the Center of the Japanese Economy”

    An article from 2023.1.26 on NewsPicks, the largest economic news platform in Japan
    The article, “[Spotlight] Tectonic Shifts Happening in Marunouchi, the Center of the Japanese Economy” features an interview with a TMIP representative regarding the “CHANGE to HOPE 2022” held in October 2022.
    The article features an interview with a TMIP representative regarding the “CHANGE to HOPE 2022” event held in October 2022 and TMIP’s initiatives.

    [Spotlight] Tectonic Shifts Happening in Marunouchi, the Center of the Japanese Economy

  • 【Interview】TMIP case study was featured on the Morning Pitch website.

    TMIP partner Morning Pitch’s website featured an interview with Marunouchi City DX Partners’ startup partner BitStar Corporation, which operates an influencer marketing business, and Marunouchi City DX location partner Mitsubishi Estate Co,

  • 【Media】Interview report on “CDLE Hackathon 2021” posted on JDLA website

    The DX for DL website has published an interview report with the person in charge of the TMIP office of the CDLE Hackathon 2021, for which TMIP was the theme sponsor.

  • TMIP’s official Twitter account is now open!

    We are pleased to announce the opening of the Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform (TMIP) official Twitter account.
    We will send you information about upcoming events and updates on the TMIP Web site.

    @TMIPPR (

  • TMIP was selected as a “Certified Regional Council” for the 2020 Support Program to Promote the Formation of an Innovation Ecosystem in Tokyo

    TMIP (Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform) has been selected as a “Certified Regional Council” for the 2020 Tokyo Innovation Ecosystem Formation Promotion Support Project.

  • 【Media】FastGrow/TMIP was featured in the report “TMIP Kickoff Reception”

    The report on the “TMIP Kickoff Reception” held in October was posted on the website of “FastGrow,” a business community that connects entrepreneurs and executives in the technology field with young management professionals.

  • We updated the website version

    Thank you very much for using Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform Website. We updated the website version on Tuesday, October 1st. We will continue our efforts to enhance the content to provide the latest and easy-to-understand information on the Daimaruyu area, with a focus on TMIP. Thank you for using our service.