株式会社リコーとTMIPは、2015年9月に国連で採択された持続可能な開発目標「SDGs」の理念である『誰一人取り残さない社会』の実現を目指し、2024年1月よりTMIPアクセシビリティサークルを立ち上げて活動をしています。この度、リコーが保有するラグビー部「リコーブラックラムズ東京」が「誰もが楽しめるラグビー観戦環境」を目指して、試合会場で取り組みを行います。2025年3月30日(日)に開催するNTT JAPAN RUGBY LEAGUE ONE 2024-25 第13節 ブラックラムズ東京 対 コベルコ神戸スティーラーズにてブース出展し、ブースでは、リコーの「聴覚障がい者向けコミュニケーションサービスPekoe(ペコ)」をはじめ、TMIPアクセシビリティサークルに参加企業のサービス・技術を展示予定です。
『第13節 コベルコ神戸スティーラーズ戦「ユニバーサルデー」取組内容のお知らせ』
『リコーとTMIP、「誰もが楽しめるラグビー観戦環境」 を目指すブラックラムズ東京の試合にブースを出展します』
TMIP (Tokyo Marunouchi Innovation Platform) is an open innovation platform that aims to create high-impact businesses by combining the power of the city with the power of the players, mainly large corporations clustered in the Marunouchi area(Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Yurakucho) from a public standpoint. By providing an environment that maximizes the use of Marunouchi's urban assets, we support the creation of innovation by "serious large corporations".
TMIP secretariat members will work with you as a member of the team to meet your goals and challenges. We will drive the creation, verification, and social implementation of new businesses by utilizing the community and verification opportunities.
New match making using pro-active face to face events.
Form specific theme based new business creation circles.
Hands on support for verification and social implementation of new PoC teams.
Open innovation community that gathers
the knowledge of 300 organizations
to create new businesses.
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TMIP has a diverse and highly enthusiastic group of players from large corporations, startups, government, and academia with an open innovation mindset who are seeking to create new businesses.
Please feel free to contact us and tell us about your current concerns.
TMIP community members can be found by clicking here.
We distinguish between members and partners by the way they are involved in new businesses. Members are “people who want to create businesses in companies” and partners are “people who support business creation”. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us for more information.
The application process is as follows.
Inquiry → Business hearing → Admission screening → Contract procedures → Start of use
TMIP does not have a base of operations. If you would like to interact with other members, please join our members-only social events held regularly.